Thursday 27 January 2011

3. What have you learned from your audience feed back?

Web 2.0 allows Internet users to interact with others through social medias, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other social networks. the increasing number of users on these sights allows a range of people to access information. for my audience feed back, i thought the most affective way to communicate and gain access to people was through Facebook. by sending a round-Robin group email with a URL link to my trailer on YouTube, as well as my poster and magazine cover on my blog. This interactive approach meant that it was more accessible to the audience, and also a faster way of me receiving feedback.

for me, the importance of the audience feed back questionnaire, was to find out whether the audience could distinguish the genre of the film, and whether it was of a high standard for it to seem realistic.
from the results, I was pleased that the majority of the audience could establish that it was a Japanese Horror, or just a Horror film. this has taught me that i should have made it clearer that it was a Japanese Horror, possibly through the use of Japanese writing, rather than English, and by using a Japanese actor for the horror character.

the other pie chart shows what the audience's response to the lighting, editing, fonts and music & sound in all of my pieces. The least popular option was sound & music, to improve this aspect in my trailer if i were to do it again, would be to improve the quality of the sound in terms of the rhythm, as in the editing process i feel i had poor focus when creating a loop of the music. In terms of lighting, all of the lighting in the trailer, poster and magazine was edited in post production. this indicates to me that the edited lighting looks realistic and effective. If i was to do the process again, i would take more care of the lighting when filming or taking the photographs, so that the final product doesn't loose quality in the image, or add grain and too high a saturation to my trailer.

By posting my trailer on social networking sites and on YouTube, it allowed me to gain a wider audience, therefore my trailer could be advertised and gain opinions from others. YouTube allowed me to gain an unbiased opinion of my trailer, as the views and likes are anonymous and can receive comments from unknown users, enabling me to gain both positive and negative feedback.

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