Tuesday 14 December 2010

Making of final poster.

by adding another transparent layer to the image, i have been able to further darken the background but keep the girl in focus and visable. i've added the title of my film to the poster in a red colour, sterotypically to suggest blood, death and pain etc. i have put in the 18 certificate on the bottom right of the poster to indicate to the audience who is able to view it.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Poster Mock up.

this is a mock up for the picture to go on my poster. i am testing whether to use an image of the girl taken on the corridoor itself, or to photoshop her into the corridoor photo. this is a tester of the photoshoped image. by editing the curves of the image of the girl to match the already edited image of the background, i hope to create an affective and realsitic image for the poster.

Friday 3 December 2010

Magazine Fonts.

i used wwww.cooltext.com to create these 4 variations of 2 different fonts. the first 2 use the same font as the Hollywood logo. Because my magazine will be an independent film magazine i thought it would be ironic to have the Hollywood font for the title. The colour of my title and other text on the cover will be variations of blue. Because my poster will have a dark photo on it, the title will need to sand out and be readable.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Test Shot for Poster.

before taking my photo for my final poster, i wanted to do a test photo so i could put my recently learnt photoshop skills into place. my adjusting the 'curves' of the photo on photoshop, i could create this dark, night time affect on the picture. this means i can edit my photos to look as if they were taken at night, as well as adding all sorts of other effects.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Distrubtion of Japanese Horror world-wide.

Director Hideo Nakata is a Japanese filmmaker most famous for his films such as the original versions of The Ring and The Ring 2. He also was assistant Director to the American remake of the THe Ring 2. .
His upcoming film Chatroom, is scheduled to be screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival. this is another American film directed by a Japanese director.

Japanese film magazines.

Kinema Junpo is a Japanese academic film magazine which began publication in July 1919.
initially specialized in covering foreign films, in part because its writers sided with the principles of the Pure Film Movement and strongly criticized Japanese cinema. It later expanded coverage to films released in Japan.

Kinema Junpo

Friday 12 November 2010


from looking around websites such as IMDB and Wikepedia, it has come to my attention that the majority of Japanese Horror films are distributed by the same 2 campanies, either Toho Company LTD or Nikkatsu. both of which are most definitely Mainstream companies. they cover wide genres of film, not just horror, but only distribute Japanese films.
Because that genre is dominated by the two distributers Nikkatsu and Toho, it could be difficult to create a mainstream film away from these two distributers. i will therefore choose one of the following distributers, but create my own production company.

Thursday 11 November 2010


Horrorfilmmag.com is an online magazine designed especially for readers to find reviews, trailers and new releases of horror films. designed especially for horror film fanatics, it is a special network to advertise new films for up and coming directors of the horror genre. it enables newly release independant films to become known within the niche audiences, which boosts the industry.
it also enables people to access news on the horror film genre worldwide if restrected from the market.

Photoshop Practise.

In the first screen capture, you can see the guide lines for the magazine front in which we could have boarders and rulers for our text to fit into. this helped us to create structure in the poster as well as make it more realistic as we could imitate the style of other magazines.
In the second screen capture, you can see where i have built up the text onto the magazine, giving it structure into more of a magazine front.
In the third, i have added more text on the right had side, other stories within the issue.
In the last capture, i have changed the colour scheme of the writing, as well as moving around the structure of the writing.
The photoshop practise lessons enabled me to become more confident in the programme, as well as learn important techniques and skills to create our posters and magazine covers.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Audience Research Overview.

the audience research shown in this pie chart tells me that the scariest horror movie character is 'the living dead' such as spirits or someone from beyond the grave. this connotes that fact that the audience can therefore detach themselves from a sense of realism. i will therefore use a character from 'beyond the grave' such as someone returning for revenge.
from audience research, i can gather that the most popular cover was The Dark Knight. The response gathered that this was because it was a recognisable image of Batman. the second most popular was the Megan Fox cover. In the image, she is covering her naked torso, this could suggest that the use of sex appeal entices the reader. the Bourne Identity cover came third due to the explosive background suggesting that the suggestion of violence, action and adventure is enticing,

Character Profiling.

Sakura: 17 year old school girl. she isn't the most popular girl in her school, but she isn't an outcast. she tends to fall behind in work, thus why she stays behind after school to finish it off.

Clothing: white socks rolled down with bare legs. black shoes. short skirt. jumper or cardigan over a white shirt/polo shirt with a school tie. covered with a school blazer.

these are 3 different examples of Japanese horror characters. the first one is a man in white dirty clothing with a clown mask on. this type of character is rarely used within the genre. the second is of a young girl with long wet hair in white overalls. this style of character was made popular and renound from The Ring. the third is of a young ghost boy. the idea of a spirit or someone returning from beyond the grave is used regularly in Japanse Horror. for my film, i will use a character similar to the girl in the second image as it is the most recognisable within the genre.

Monday 1 November 2010

Further Trailer Research.

this is another trailer for a Japanese Horror film. i found this trailer interesting because the trailer itself has a little refrences to the plot of the film. the trailer is all in blavk and white which adds a mystical feel to the film. it also shows the school girla in traditional school uniform for japanese students, which i will recreate in my trailer to make it resemble a japanese horror.

Friday 15 October 2010

Film Title Research.

To create the appearance of an authentic Japanese Horror, it is necessary to include Japanese language in symbols and writing. I will include this in the name of my film, as well any type facing on the trailer, poster and magazine cover. The symb0ls bellow are different variations of the word 'premonition'. When deciding the name of my film, i will look at a range of Japanese fonts and variations of the title according to the spacing and layout of my production work.



Sakura decides to stay after school to finish off her work. Soon enough her lack of sleep from the night before takes over and she falls asleep. She awakes suddenly after a terrifying dream where she is haunted by a torterous spirit As she leaves school, her journey becomes worryingly familiar to her dream. A dream that becomes a reality. Can Sakura help save her self from this nightmare turned reality?

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Theme Research: Premonition.

Premonition is defined as “the anticipation of an event without conscious reason or previous warning––knowing what is going to happen by purely psychic means.”.
Many Japanese horror's contain themes of folk religion such as: possession, exorcism, shamanism and precognition, premonitions.

The Final Destination series is a series of horror films written by Jeffrey Reddick. four films are centered on the themes of determinism, predestination, and precognition, in relation to death (i.e. how to foresee, avoid or control it). Each film features a group of people dying in a series of elaborate, invariably fatal and often gory scenarios.

'While stopped at a roadside phone boot for transmitting his work through Internet to the university, Professor Hideki Satomi finds a scrap of newspaper with the picture of his five years old daughter Nana in the obituary. He sees his wife Ayaka Satomi trying to release their daughter from the seat-belt, when a truck without steer hits his car killing Nana. Three years later, Hideki is divorced from Ayaka, who is researching paranormal persons who claim to have read an evil newspaper anticipating the future still trying to believe on Hideki, and she finds that there are people cursed to foresee the future but without power to save the victims. When Hideki changes the future saving Ayaka, he becomes trapped in hell and he has to make a choice of his own destiny.'

'Depressed housewife learns her husband was killed in a car accident the day previously, awakens the next morning to find him alive and well at home, and then awakens the next day after to a world in which he is still dead.'

Product Research: Japanese Horror.

Japanese horror is Japanese contributions to horror fiction in popular culture, noted for their unique thematic and conventional treatment of the horror genre in light of western treatments. Japanese horror tends to focus on psychological horror and tension building (anticipation), particularly involving ghosts and poltergeists, while many contain themes of folk religion such as: possession, exorcism, shamanism, precognition, and yōkai.

Yotsuya Kaidan:
Yotsuya Kaidan is the story of Oiwa and Tamiya Iemon, is a tale of betrayal, murder and ghostly revenge. Arguably the most famous Japanese ghost story of all time, it has been adapted for film over 30 times, and continues to be an influence on Japanese horror today.

Monday 11 October 2010

Audience Research: Questionaire.


Male Female


Under 12 13-15 16-18 19+

3.Favorite Film Genre: Choose up to 3 options.

Comedy Action Thriller Adventure Horror Romantic SciFi

Foreign Film Musicals Other (please state):_____________

4.List 3 characters of a Horror movie that are most affective (ghosts, murderers etc):


5.Does the scare-factor of a film vary due to the time period it is set in?

Past Present Future

6.Do you read Film magazines?

Yes No
Which? ____________

7.Which of the following is the most appealing film magazine cover?

Why? _______________________________________

Friday 8 October 2010

Product Research: Teaser Trailer.

-First shot of films institution.
-low murmering music with heavy breathing during black screen.
-hear conversation on phone, continuous heavy breathing and panting.
-the phone cuts out, loud scream from man.
-Strike of zippo lighter, showing man in small confinements with minimal light surrounding his head. no ther visuals, just black screen surrounding him.

Friday 1 October 2010

Product Research; Suicide Club 2002.

Japanese independent film that gained a considerable amount of notoriety in film festivals around the world. The film was banned in the UK due to its controversial subject matter and gory and violent scenes. the film is available to watch in 10 minute sections on Youtube, which is how English audiences can watch the film.

Friday 24 September 2010

Product Reseach: Magazine Covers

Product Research: Teaser Trailer.

Trailer Analysis:

-Introduction of production companies: Fox Searchlight and Pathe.
-Loud drumming music.
-Establishing shot of dessert with cyclist.
-Split screen shot of cyclist face low angle, and of sky. jolty camera. shows heat and conditions of desert.

-Establish directer Danny Boyle- 'Acadamy Award Winner'
--fast paced shots of film clips by Danny Boyle. Recognition.

-Handy Cam shot of Cyclist falling to floor. suggests danger and action in film.
-As he falls, the music stops to hear diagetic sound of his fall.

-Change of music.
-Song lyrics- 'take it if it makes you come' then shot of half naked group in car, suggestive of plot.
-sign reading 'next serive 100 miles' shows desertification of his surroundings.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Product Research: Opening of DIssapearence Of Alice Creed.

The begining of the film starts with continuous fast pace shots of the two kidnappers preparing the house. the quick shots and fast editting is an example of how it can create tension for the audience.
to create the trialer for my film, i could use the fast shots such as this to create anticipation for the audience.