Tuesday 14 December 2010

Making of final poster.

by adding another transparent layer to the image, i have been able to further darken the background but keep the girl in focus and visable. i've added the title of my film to the poster in a red colour, sterotypically to suggest blood, death and pain etc. i have put in the 18 certificate on the bottom right of the poster to indicate to the audience who is able to view it.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Poster Mock up.

this is a mock up for the picture to go on my poster. i am testing whether to use an image of the girl taken on the corridoor itself, or to photoshop her into the corridoor photo. this is a tester of the photoshoped image. by editing the curves of the image of the girl to match the already edited image of the background, i hope to create an affective and realsitic image for the poster.

Friday 3 December 2010

Magazine Fonts.

i used wwww.cooltext.com to create these 4 variations of 2 different fonts. the first 2 use the same font as the Hollywood logo. Because my magazine will be an independent film magazine i thought it would be ironic to have the Hollywood font for the title. The colour of my title and other text on the cover will be variations of blue. Because my poster will have a dark photo on it, the title will need to sand out and be readable.